Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kosa-Kata The Living Room/Ruang Keluarga

The Living Room/Ruang Keluarga
1.      The Living Room/Ruang Keluarga
1.      Chair (cher)                                                  = Tempat tidur
2.      Clock (klok)                                                = Jam
3.      Cupboard (kapbord)                                    = Lemari
4.      Fan (fan)                                                      = Kipas angin
5.      Flower (flawer)                                            = Bunga
6.      Book shelf (buk shef)                                   = Rak buku
7.      Lamp (lem)                                                  = Lampu
8.      Rug (rag)                                                      = Permadani
9.      Telephone (telepon)                          = Telepon
10.  Painting (peinting)                                         = Lukisan
11.  Sofa (sofa)                                                   = Sofa
12.  Table (tebel)                                     = Meja
13.  Television (television)                                    = Televisi
14.  Table lamp (tebel lem)                                  = Lampu meja
15.  Vase (ves)                                                    = Vas bunga

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